Macs’ Story

Our son Macs was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. We noticed some of the signs at age two (his lack of interaction with others as well as his nonverbal behavior); however, the process of getting officially diagnosed in the UK was a very lengthy and difficult process. After doing research and getting advice, we saw a friend whose son had autism and was being treated by Autism Partnership and were impressed by the approach.

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Summer Success Story

Our son was diagnosed with autism a month shy of his 3rd birthday (2007). He was experiencing challenges in social settings, specifically peer interactions and classroom readiness skills (sitting, raising his hand, self control, etc.) We had reviewed different treatment programs and based on the scientific evidence, we felt Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) would be the most effective treatment for our son. A friend and colleague referred us to Autism Partnership to provide consultative and supervisory support to our home based ABA program.

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Jake’s Story

As the alarm rings, Jake awakes from his deep sleep, and thinks to himself, “It’s just too early to get up, I just need 10 more minutes.” Like most teenagers, Jake rolls over, hits the snooze button, and goes back to sleep. Thirty minutes later, Jake reluctantly rolls out of bed, hops into the shower, and gets ready for the day. After a quick breakfast, Jake is off to school. As he leaves the house, his mother tells him that he needs to come directly home after school because he has sailing practice. He hops on his bike and rides to Nobel Middle School.

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Will’s Story

A Jump Start Success Story

I was recently asked by Autism Partnership to provide honest feedback about a program they provide to my son, Will, called Jump Start. Below is our story.

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